Are you curious about the Android Gradle Plugin Version you are running? Don’t fret, finding your version can be a breeze with these five simple tips! Dive in and discover how easily you can locate your Android Gradle Plugin Version. Anchoring yourself in the Android world can be an overwhelming task. With a seemingly endless amount of options, it can be difficult to stay on top of the constantly evolving plugins and versions. Due to the Android Gradle plugin, developers are able to ensure that their development process is easy, efficient, and secure. But, how can we easily find our Android Gradle plugin version? Here are 5 tips to help you find your Android Gradle Plugin version with ease.

First and foremost, you can easily find your plugin version by searching your build.gradle file. By searching the file, you’ll be able to see your version of the plugin as well as additional information that could be helpful during development.

Second, you can use the “android list” command. This command can be entered into the console or terminal to list all the installed Android SDKs that you have available.

Third, you can also check out the Android Studio build.gradle file. This file can be found in the project’s root directory and contains various properties that could contain the plugin version.

Fourth, you can use the “gradle -version” command. This command can be entered into the console or terminal to find the installed Gradle version.

And finally, you can check out the “availablePlugins” task in Gradle. By adding the task to the build.gradle file, you can view available plugins, their versions, and if they’re installed or not.

Finding the Android Gradle plugin version can be tricky, but it doesn’t have to be. With these 5 simple tips on how to easily find your Android Gradle Plugin version, you’ll be able to smoothly transition through the Android development process.

  1. “If you are unsure of your Gradle plugin version, it’s best to check the plugin version requirements in the documentation for your Android plugin or library.” (1) As stated by Gradle, an open-source software development tool for building and automating software projects, ensuring that you check the plugin version requirements from your Android plugin or library is the best way to know your Gradle plugin version.

  2. Updating your Gradle plugin version to its most recent version is essential in order to keep up with the changes and improvements that the Android team is constantly making. According to Google, when a new Android Gradle plugin is released with a new version of Android Studio, the plugin is typically backward compatible with previous Android Studio versions (2). This means that in order to take advantage of the new features and improvements of the plugin, you must update your plugin version.

  3. Lastly, if you are still unsure of your Gradle version, you can check your version of the Gradle build file. Open your build.gradle (Project: app) and look for the line ‘’ which indicates the current version of the Android Gradle plugin (3).

- Introduction of Android Gradle Plugin

Android Gradle Plugin is a powerful tool for increasing the capabilities of your Android app. It allows you to easily add powerful features to your application such as Subversion support, debugging and graph analysis. Finding your current version of the plugin can be tricky though. Here are five tips on how to quickly and easily locate the version of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using.

First, open up the settings.gradle file from your project directory. This file will contain a version number for the Gradle plugin you are using; look for the line classpath ‘’. The is the version of the Gradle plugin you are using.

Second, the version number can also be found in the build.gradle file. Navigate to the dependencies section and search for Once again, the is the version of the Gradle plugin you are using.

Third, if you have just opened the Android Studio IDE, the version number can be found at the bottom right. After clicking on the Gradle: text, the version number will be revealed.

Fourth, you can also detect the version number from the command line. Navigate to the project directory and run the command “./gradlew -v”. The Gradle line will give you the version number of your Android Gradle Plugin.

Finally, one last way to detect the current version of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using is by checking your system’s Gradle Installation folder. Go to /Users//.gradle/wrapper/ and open the file. The on the distributionUrl line is the current version of your Android Gradle Plugin.

Keeping track of your Android Gradle Plugin version is important to ensure that your application is running on the most stable and secure version. With these five tips, you should be able to easily find the version number of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using.

1. Understanding Android Gradle Plugin

Android Gradle plugin is a software suite specifically designed for developing android applications. It encompasses a wide array of tools such as creating projects, running debugging, signing packages, testing applications, and much more. Knowing which version of the Android Gradle plugin is installed on your system is important to ensure you are running the latest version. Here are the steps to find out what version of the Android Gradle plugin you are running.

The first step is to open your project’s build.gradle file. This file can be located in the root directory of the project. Once the file is opened, locate the top-level buildscript block. Inside this block, there should be an “ext.android_gradle_plugin” which has a version assigned to it. This is the version number of your Android Gradle plugin.

Alternatively, you can run the command “gradle -v” in the terminal. This will output a “Build time” version which corresponds to the version of your Android Gradle plugin.

You can also view the Android Gradle plugin version within Android Studio’s Preferences. To do this, open the Preferences window and select “Build, Execution, Deployment” followed by “Gradle”. The version you are running should be displayed on the right side of the window.

Finally, the last option to find out what version of the Android Gradle plugin you are running is by visiting the Gradle Releases page. Here, you can search for the “Latest Release” and compare it with the version running on your system. This is a great way to know if you are running the latest version of the plugin.

2. Finding Android Gradle Plugin Version

The Android Gradle Plugin is an important component when it comes to developing Android applications. It is the official build system of the Android operating system and is used in all of the Google Play Store apps. It is an open source build system that is built on top of the Gradle build system. In this article, we will look at how to find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that is installed on your system.

The easiest way to find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin is to open the Android Studio application. Once the application is open, click on the File menu, then select Settings. In the left sidebar, select Plugins and then select Android Gradle. From there, the version of the Android Gradle Plugin is displayed in the lower part of the window.

If you don’t have access to the Android Studio application, you can check the version of the plugin by looking inside the project’s build.gradle file. Inside the file, look for the line that starts with ‘apply plugin:’ and look for the version after it. This will be the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that is installed.

You can also find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin by running the command line ‘gradle -v’. This will print out the version of the Gradle tool and the Android Gradle Plugin. It will also show any plugins that are enabled in the build.

Knowing the exact version of the Android Gradle Plugin is important when troubleshooting build issues and for keeping the build system up to date. We hope this article has been helpful in understanding how to find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin.

- 5 Tips on How to Easily Find Your Android Gradle Plugin Version

One of the important aspects of developing Android applications is keeping your Gradle plugin version up-to-date. It can be difficult to find the exact version that you are using, but with a few tips, you can easily locate your Android Gradle plugin version. Here are 5 simple tips to help you find your Gradle plugin version quickly and easily.

First, open your Android Studio and go to the Build menu. From there, click on the Plugin Version option and you should see an entry describing the version of the Gradle plugin you are using.

Second, you can also use the command line to quickly get the version of your Gradle plugin. Open your Terminal window and go to the project directory and type ‘gradle -v’ to get the plugin version.

Third, you can also use the ‘gradlew -v’ command in the root folder of your project to check the version.

Fourth, if you have an older version of the Gradle plugin, you can use the ‘gradle -q’ command to quickly check the version.

Finally, if you want to make sure that you are using the latest version of the Gradle plugin, you can always use the ‘gradlew build’ command in the root project directory. This will check for available updates and let you know when one is available.

1. Identify Your Android Plugins

With Android Studio getting more and more popular every day, understanding the Gradle plugin version is paramount to build successful Android projects. It is not always easy to find the Gradle plugin version but with few easy steps, you will be able to do it in no time. Here are 5 tips to help you find your Android Gradle Plugin Version.

First, you should make sure that you have the latest version of the Android Studio installed on your computer. To do that, go to the official website and click the “Download” button. Next, in the SDK Manager, click “Tools” and then select “SDK Tools”. This will bring up a list of available Android SDK components. To find your version of Gradle, go to the “Build Tools Version” section and look for “Gradle Plugin”.

Second, you can find the version of Gradle plugin from your Gradle build file by opening the build.gradle file. This file is located in the root directory of the project. Inside the file, look for the line that starts with “classpath”. This line will usually include the version of Gradle plugin.

Third, if you are using Gradle Wrapper, you can check the version of Gradle plugin by running the “gradlew.bat” command. This command can be found in the root directory of the project. When you run the command, it will display the version of Gradle plugin that is used in your project.

Fourth, you can also find the version of Gradle plugin in the Gradle logs. To find the logs, open the Gradle Console in Android Studio and look for the line that contains the version of the Gradle plugin.

Fifth, if all else fails, you can always search the web for the version of Gradle plugin that your project is using. Usually, the name of the plugin and the version can be found in the build.gradle file or in the Gradle logs.

These are the five tips to help you easily find the version of Android Gradle Plugin for your project. With a bit of practice, you will be able to find the version of the plugin in no time.

2. Checking Build Gradle Version

Finding the android gradle plugin version can sometimes prove to be a difficult task. It is necessary to know the version of the plugin that is installed in order to understand the version of Gradle that is running. Here are five tips to help you easily find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that you have installed:

  1. Check the project-level build.gradle file: Inside the project-level Gradle build file, look for the line that says apply plugin: ‘’. The version number follows after the comma.

  2. Check your Gradle wrapper’s properties file: Inside the Gradle wrapper’s properties file, look for the line that says distributionUrl. The version number will be the last part of the URL.

  3. Check the AndroidManifest.xml file: Inside the app-level AndroidManifest.xml file, look for the line that says uses-sdk. The version number will be the first part of the value.

  4. Check the build.gradle file in the app folder: Inside the app-level Gradle build file, look for the line that says apply plugin: ‘’. The version number follows after the comma.

  5. Open the Android Studio Version Control window: Open the Android Studio Version Control window (VCS > Version Control > Branches) and look for your version number in the lower-left corner.

Using these five tips, you can easily find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that is installed in your project. Knowing the version of the plugin is essential to understanding the version of Gradle that is running in your project.

3. View Plugin Version in Android Studio

Finding the Android Gradle Plugin version used to be a difficult task. But now, it’s quite easy as there are a few ways to do it. In order to help you out, here are five tips on how to easily find your Android Gradle Plugin version.

First, you can check your project’s build.gradle file. This file contains the version of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using. It is located in the Build Scripts directory of your application.

Second, you can use the command ‘gradle tasks’ to see the version of the Android Gradle Plugin. Open a terminal window in the project’s root directory and type the command and it will show you the version.

Third, you can check your project’s file. This file contains the version of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using. It is located in the gradle directory of your application.

Fourth, you can use the Android Studio’s built in plugin manager. In the Preferences window, you can select the Plugins tab and see the version of the Android Gradle Plugin you are using.

Finally, you can also check the Android website for the latest version of the Android Gradle Plugin. The website contains all the information you need to find the correct version of the Android Gradle Plugin.

These are five tips on how to easily find your Android Gradle Plugin version. With these tips, you will be able to quickly find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin so you can make sure your app works correctly.

4. Learn Your Gradle Plugin Versions

Finding the Android Gradle plugin version is a must for anyone developing an android application. Here are 5 tips on how to easily find your Android Gradle plugin version. First, you can use the command line to execute the command ./gradlew-v to find the version number of the plugin. Second, you can open the main project’s build.gradle(Module: app) file and look for the version indicated in the dependencies block. Third, you can open the project’s build.gradle(Project: app-name) file and look for the version indicated in the classpath block. Fourth, you can open the Android Studio status bar and look for the Gradle version. Lastly, you can look for the version directly in the Android Studio project settings. By following these steps, you can easily find the Android Gradle plugin version.

5. Find Gradle Plugin Version from Command Line

Finding your Gradle plugin version is an important step to troubleshoot any issues while developing an app. Fortunately, Android Studio makes it easy to find the version of the Android Gradle plugin. Here are five easy tips for getting the version number:

  1. Open the build.gradle(Project: *****)file.
  2. Look for the line: dependencies { classpath
  3. Get the version number from the line above.
  4. You can also open the Gradle tab in the right side of Android Studio and select the desired module. The version will be visible on the top of the tab.

- Conclusion

In conclusion, it is important to always keep track of the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that you are running in your app. Knowing the version of your Android Gradle Plugin will let you take advantage of the latest features, bug fixes, and performance improvements in the plugin. To easily find your Android Gradle Plugin version, you can try the methods above. You can either use the command line, view the file, or manually check the version in the Android Studio IDE. Keeping your Android Gradle Plugin up-to-date will help you have a better user experience overall.

Finding the Gradle Plugin Version

Finding the version of your Android Gradle plugin is easy and requires only a few steps. First, open the “build.gradle” file from your project’s root directory. Once the file is open, look for “”, this is the Android Gradle Plugin. The version is located in the parentheses beside it, in the format x.x.x. The first two digits represent the major version, the third digit is the minor version and the fourth is the patch version. Once you have found the version, you can then update it to the latest version available. Updating the plugin is an important step in making sure your project is compatible with the latest Android SDK and any other external dependencies your app may rely on. With this knowledge, you can now keep your projects up to date with the latest versions of the Android Gradle Plugin.

Steps to identify

The android gradle plugin version is an important part of the android development process. It is the bridge between the android project and the gradle build system. To ensure that the project is able to build properly, it is important to verify the version of the gradle plugin in use. To do this, you can open the android project’s build.gradle file and check the version of the plugin at the top. Alternatively, you can open the android studio settings and check the gradle version that is set. By following these steps, you can easily determine the version of the android gradle plugin being used in your project. This is an important step to take when working on an android project, and it is essential to ensuring that the project can be built correctly.


Finding the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that you are running is important, especially when troubleshooting build problems. Luckily, there are a few easy ways to find the version number. The first way is to check the Gradle files of your project. In the file, you will find the distributionUrl, which will contain the version of the Android Gradle Plugin. Another way is to check the build.gradle file of the project module. This file contains the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that is being used. Finally, you can also view the version in Android Studio. Just click on File > Project Structure and you will see the version of the Android Gradle Plugin at the top of the window. In conclusion, there are multiple ways to find the version of the Android Gradle Plugin that you are running. All of these methods are simple and easy to use.

Q1: How do I find out what version of the Gradle Plugin I’m using? A1: To find out what version of the Gradle Plugin you are using, you need to open your top-level build.gradle file and look for the dependencies section. Look for the “” line. At the end of this line, you’ll see the version of the plugin you’re using.

Q2: What do I do if I don’t see the Gradle Plugin version listed in my build.gradle file? A2: If you don’t see the version listed in build.gradle file, you can run the command “gradle -v” in the terminal. This command will show you the version of Gradle Plugin you are using.

Q3: How do I update the Gradle Plugin version on Android Studio? A3: To update the Gradle Plugin version on Android Studio, go to the File menu and click on “Project Structure”. Go to the “Project” tab and under the “Gradle Version” section, select the version of the Gradle Plugin that you want to use.

Q4: What should I do if I am unable to find an appropriate Gradle Plugin version on Android Studio? A4: If you are unable to find an appropriate Gradle Plugin version on Android Studio, you can download the desired version from the Android Gradle Plugin repository on GitHub. After downloading the desired version, you can place it in the root project directory and update the build.gradle file accordingly.

Q5: How can I ensure that the Gradle Plugin version is compatible with my Android Studio? A5: To ensure that the Gradle Plugin version is compatible with your Android Studio, you should consult the Android Studio release notes. The release notes will list the compatibility of Gradle Plugin version with the Studio. You should also periodically update the Gradle Plugin version to ensure the best performance for your app.